Change of Coloour

Painting a Wooden House


Wooden houses are more sustainable economically and ecologically than the standard concrete and brick materials. And this is just one reason why people opt to have a wooden house.

Woodhouses require regular maintenance to obtain their viable quality. Every homeowner of a wooden house, every once in a while, checks if it needs exterior paint, gap sealing, etc. 

Sanding before you paint a wooden house

Before you paint woods with or without existing color, the best start-ups are sanding on the surfaces. The sanding process is how you prepare the area for painting application. Using the sandpapers helps remove rough spots to make smoother surfaces, which is suitable for smooth finishes.

painting a wooden house (1)

Primer for wooden surfaces

It is essential to apply primers before a wooden house painting. Quality primers create a smooth surface without flowing the resin out. Correctly filled wood grain surfaces enable to use of finish coath efficiently. Without priming, the application of paints will look uneven.

Choosing the right paints

There are two options that you can choose; whether to use water-based or solvent-based paints. If you want to put it in with an odorless smell, can dry quickly, and easy to apply, we recommend using water-based wooden house painting. On the other hand, solvent-based paints are more durable than the other ones.  You may also read our blog about how to choose wall paint colours for your home.

Glossiness level of paints

You can see the glossiness level of paints on the product labels. When choosing glossier paint, it often gives you a heavy coat. The golden rule of thumb applies in picking the best color for your wooden house painting. In addition to that, glossy ones do not get stained quickly. Perfect to use on rough surfaces. Moreover, this kind of paint has six glossy levels.

Full gloss90 – 100
Gloss60 – 89
Semi-gloss30 – 59
Semi-matte11 – 29
Matte6 – 1-
Full matte0 -5

Preparation tips for painting a wooden house

  • Setting the budget for quality paints, finishes, and coats will save you from costly expenses—plan before starting the wooden house painting project.
  • Ensure your safety by wearing appropriate clothing such as face masks, gloves, and safety goggles to protect you during the painting process.
  • Pre-inspection of areas to paint is necessary to determine the preparations needed and will apply the quantity.
  • The best way to begin a wooden house painting on the interior wall is to paint the ceilings first.

Weather conditions for wooden house painting 

  • A cloudy summer day is the best weather to paint a wooden house.
  • The relative humidity should not be more than 80%; you can see the RH level on the news’s daily weather forecast.
  • Make sure to paint a wooden surface with dry surroundings to maintain the quality of the finished coating. Dry surfaces preserve long-lasting effects.
  • Do not paint with scorching temperatures. As the paint dries quickly, it will produce an inefficient performance of painting. It should not be below + 5°C and above + 30° C.

Read also: Weather Considerations for House Painting

Looking for a painting service in Barrie?

Preparing to Paint a wooden house isn’t enough. You should also take precautions and learn how you could be safe during a house painting project. Should you move to Barrie and consider bringing a personality to your newly-bought house before settling in, we might be of help! House painting is what we do best. You may check our clients’ Testimonials here. Get in touch with us or call us at 705-279-2557 to get a free estimate!